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Biodiversity Action Plans

Action for Biodiversity

Action for Biodiversity is a wonderful resource from the National Biodiversity Data Centre providing examples of biodiversity action plans across Ireland.

There is a very useful map resource where you can identify groups within your area who have completed action plans.

Community Projects and Case Studies

Gardening for Biodiversity

A very easy guide to actions that you can take in your garden.

Heritage Keepers

Some wonderful stories of actions taken by community groups to promote or preserve their local built, cultural, or natural heritage.

Spark Change

A selection of success stories form across Ireland as people and communities inspire and spark change towards a more environmentally, economically and/or socially sustainable world.

Galway National Park City

The National Park City is a place, a vision and a city-wide community that is working together to make life better for people and biodiversity. There are some useful resources available on community projects, garden projects and workplace projects.

Exploring Habitats for Biodiversity

Community Wetlands Forum

The mission of the Community Wetland Forum is to support the protection, management and wise use of Ireland’s wetlands for sustainable communities, by providing a network for community wetland groups to share knowledge, ideas, research, and best practice. There are wonderful resources available on topics such as national, EU and international policies to protect wetlands and peatlands, strategies for establishing and sustaining community environmental groups, and preparing for funding.

This project is part of the Community Climate Action Programme Strand 2 and is funded by the Government of Ireland through the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications.

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