Structure of the PPN

The main decision making body of the PPN is the Plenary (i.e. all the independent member groups) which should meet at least twice every year to review the workings of the PPN and set the agenda for the coming period. The elected Secretariat is responsible for the administration of the PPN between Plenary meetings. There are three Municipal Districts in Sligo, they are Sligo – Drumcliff, Borough of Sligo and Ballymote – Tubbercurry.

The Plenary


The Plenary is a meeting of all community groups registered with Sligo PPN. Each member organisation has voting rights at the Plenary.

The Plenary ratifies representatives and policies. The Plenary meets twice a year and is the decision-making body of the PPN.

The Secretariat

The Secretariat is elected by the PPN members, to be representative of the different geographical areas and the three pillars. It is an administrative body only, responsible for overseeing the day to day operations of the PPN. Find out more about the Secretariat here.

The PPN Representatives

PPN Representatives are members of the PPN who are elected to represent the issues of PPN members on a particular Board or Committee. A PPN Representative does not represent the group they are a member of, they represent the PPN. Find out more about the PPN Representatives here.

Resource & Support Worker

Our PPN staff support the:

• development of the Strategic Plan
• promotion of the PPN
• the capacity building, networking and information provision needs
of PPN Member Groups
• PPN Representatives on Boards and Committees
• PPN Secretariat
• PPN to liaise with the Local Authority to further the PPN agenda
• PPN work at a national level

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